😨 Let’s start with a quick note on what not to do.

When making suggestions, avoid being vague or passive aggressive. It’s just not helpful, and the whole point of Murmur is to move work forward and be helpful to one another!

Here’s what unproductive suggestions look like:

Phew! Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s focus on what good suggestions look like.

🙂 Good suggestions are specific and actionable.

And now for the crème de la crème: here’s what the very best suggestions look like.

🥳 The best suggestions actually provide a specific re-write of the section of the proposal you’d like to see changed.

If anything in the proposal isn’t safe-to-try for you, highlight and re-write that specific section to reflect what would be safe-to-try. But remember, we’re aiming for progress, not perfection — this shouldn’t be a wordsmithing exercise.

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