Why is it important for me as a proposer to acknowledge all participant suggestions?

Just as proposers should acknowledge every question in the Understand round, it’s important that proposers acknowledge every suggestion in the Improve round.

Whether or not you believe a suggestion will improve the proposal, part of maintaining an inclusive process is acknowledging everyone’s input. For each suggestion, provide an explanation of what you did or didn’t change, and why.

💭 Something to think about...

As a proposer, it’s your job to successfully shepherd the proposal through the Murmur Method. And the best way to ensure that happens is to cultivate an inclusive vibe where participants know that their input is valued and seriously considered.

On the flip side, participants who don’t feel heard are much more likely to force a dialogue by holding the proposal up. (This, of course, rarely leads to productive conversation.)

In a nutshell: Work is better when everyone feels included, and the easiest way to help your teammates feel heard is to actually listen to them.

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