There will almost definitely be times when you’re not the only one feeling the urge to make changes to an active agreement. And while it’s possible that someone (or multiple someones!) might be drafting changes to the same agreement at the same time, only one person can propose changes to the group for consent.
This is important, so let’s say it again: When there are proposed changes going through the Murmur Method, no one else will be able to propose a separate set of changes to the currently active agreement.
Here’s what it will look like when you create a draft for proposed changes to an active agreement, and someone else is already drafting changes to that same agreement:
And, here’s what it will look like in an active agreement when someone else has already proposed changes that are currently being governed through the Murmur Method:
When you see that other people are drafting changes to an agreement, it’s usually better to hold off on drafting changes of your own. Once the other member of your workspace has proposed the changes they drafted, you’ll have the chance to ask questions and make suggestions that align with the changes you had in mind for the agreement.